Easka Handpan

French handpan maker in Provence





Maker’s Q&A

MaterialCarbon steel and Stainless
ScalesD Amara 9, D Kurd 10, D Kurd 15 (with bottom notes), C# Insen, C Aeolian 10, A2 Aeolian 12 (with bottom notes), F Equinox 10
Custom orderMostly. Instruments are rarely available on the shelf. Can provide beautiful personalized drawings and decorations on carbon steel (see examples) at extra cost.
Mutant notesYes, depends on the scale, material and Ding note
Bottom notesYes, depends on the scale.
With a caseCase (soft or hard) included with extra cost
Price example1200€ for 9 notes without case
2000€ for 15 notes without case
ShippingFrance, EU – other countries to be discussed case by case.
Waiting period3 to 6 months
Passion of HammeringI am crafting handpans with care and love in the southeast of France.

I am mostly using a very rare technology of carbon steel that provides unique timbre to the sound of my instruments. I like light, sensitive notes that can be played without hitting too hard the steel.

I can offer personalized lasting drawings and decorations (not engraving but no painting either). I especially enjoy crafting handpan with intention, for someone I had the chance to meet and feel his/her need.

Check other posts!!

  1. Alchemy Sound Sculpture

  2. Hende Sound Sculptures

  3. Handpans JRO

  4. Pantheon Steel

  5. Ostara Instruments

  6. Tzun’s Handpan

< Conntact >

← Please feel free to contact me on Instagram.

  1. A-Gift PANTAM

  2. Elaia Handpans

  3. Noblet Pantam

  4. Rinpantam

  5. MrPansInstruments
