SubtleSounds Handpans

Steel sculptured by hand with passion and fascination to create a unique SubtleSound




Maker’s Q&A

MaterialMost of my instruments are build from Embersteel and other Stainless Steel Alloys
Diameter53cm, 58cm, and maybe soon 68cm
ScalesI am highly special zed on low range instruments and bass Pans below f2 down to currently a1 as lowest note.

My passion are low instruments though.
Custom orderAvailable
Mutant notesBuild all kind of scale mutant up to 25 notes
Bottom notesBuild bottoms notes as well
With a caseHardcase available
Price exampleBetween 1500 and 5000 euros exclusive tax
Waiting periodWaiting time depends a lot on the scale. Between 4 month and 12 month probably
Passion of HammeringI was half deaf on my right ear and the handpan was the first instrument I heard after an ear operation.

From this moment I knew I am going do build these instruments. It’s pure passion and I love pushing the boundaries of pan making.

Check other posts!!

  1. Lupan Handpans

  2. AghartaPantam

  3. McCarthy Instruments

  4. PanStream HandPan

  5. XuanSound 玄音

  6. Tympan Handpan

< Conntact >

← Please feel free to contact me on Instagram.

  1. SPand

  2. SP Handpan

  3. Mishte Instruments

  4. Own Sound Sculpture

  5. Sonobe Handpan
